Slagwerkkrant – Hugo Pinksterboer

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“…makes you feel sorry that you weren’t there. And that’s even more special as I actually was there.”

The quartet was filmed in a way that almost makes you feel sorry that you weren’t there. And that’s even more special as I actually was there. The brothers Marnix (guitars and compositions) and Berthil (colorful keyboardist without gratuitous embellishments) are joined by René Dissel (an exceptionally funky double bassist with a well-defined tone) and drummer Chris Strik, who adds a special dimension to the band’s entertaining fusion music by playing brushes only. Strik attracts most of the audience’s attention. Armed with no more than a bass drum, a snare drum, two cymbals and a box full of brushes, he sets the band’s never ending groove, looking as if he’s got a whole lot to do – and he keeps on doing it too.

By Hugo Pinksterboer